Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Venturing Out

Well, it's tuesday night (day 7), Sunday was the first time I actually got out on my own. First I walked down to the beach, it's amazing and it's only a ten minute walk from my apartment. After waking up and bumming around for a bit I thought to myself, "I didn't come to Australia to watch sportscenter". As the morning went on it started to sink in more and more that I was truely on my own. Nobody to show me around, or give me a lift, or hang out with all day: just me. Outside of moving to Harrison, I've never really been in a position like that. Even then I went to high school where your all but forced to meet people. So needless to say this was definietly a new experience. My breath was taken away when I got to where I could see the beach. As I walked along the water I just kept saying to myself, "wow this is incredible". I spent about two hours by myself on the beach, where I got some really good "God time" in. Istarted flipping through my Bible and landed on Daniel. I hadn't even gotten to the lions den part yet but I already knew what God was trying to tell me. If He isn't going to leave Daniel alone in a den of lions (probably a hair scarier than not knowing anyone in a new country) then surely I'm not alone either! Now I know your thinking, "Geeze Zack, why don't you just be a little more cliche'", but get off my back alright!

Now to any Aussies reading this be warned, this is the part where I release a few of my frustrations. Currently I'm on the the job hunt. I can't believe there's not a single job in the whole town.... Not unless you want to work forty hours a week! (Sorry I couldn't resist) I've got a few leads and an interview Wednesday, hopefully my next blog will be sharing the good news of a job. I also had my first Macka's (Mcdonalds) experience Sunday, which brings me to my first frustration. Who taught these people how to do portions??? NOT an American I can tell ya that much. I can tell you that I have a new found respect for people that rely on public transportion on a long term basis... because it SUCKS! Next I want to let the Aussies in on a little American secret... beverages are better served cold! Why the heck don't these people understand that? You can't even find ice trays to buy! I watched (or at least tried to) a crickett test (game)... I think I'd rather watch the Bergman Jr. High girls. Once again to any Aussies reading, please don't be offended, I'm sure it's a blast to play but watching was painful. I'm sure there's plenty I'm leaving out, I just can't think of what it is at the moment.

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