Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Alright, so I'm addicted..... oh and in love!

That's right, I said it! It's always been there I just never saw it. KIT-KAT's!!! I use to be a Snickers man and even went with a Twix now and then, but good Lord never realized the amazingness of a Kit-Kat. Ok sorry, just had to throw that in there. But that's not where the addiction comes in. I think I've become addicted to traveling, adventures, new experiences, etc. Something I suggest that everyone do is make a bucket list, I just started mine. Since I was 10 I've been saying I'm going to do this, or try that, or learn to do this... and it's never happened. I think the hardest part is actually starting. Once I started writing I didn't realize how long the list would get and how fast it would get there, I guess there's more that I want to do than I thought. Everybody has SOMETHING they want to do or accomplish or see, it's not until it's put on paper that it actually becomes a plan. A lot of my list involves traveling. I'm at a stage in my life where I can do that, no responsibility, no debt, nobody else to look out for. Not everybody can do that, but your list doesn't have to include climbing Everest. Take a cooking class, learn to play an intrument, learn a foreign language, get drunk and fight an Irish guy! Do it and I promise you won't regret it... except for maybe the last one.

Ok, now on to what's going on here. For those who haven't seen the pictures I finally got into the city! Had to go by myself (thanks Sarah) but I was able to find my way around and get back in once piece. And this is a little off subject but if this was just for me I could do it with a pen and paper... so I hope truely hope you are enjoying this. Why? Because I've been getting paid out pretty hard for having it. I hit my thumb with a hammer, "OUCH"! Ben- "Dude what are you gonna do write a blog about it?" "Ma'am this is diet, I ordered regular", and from the other side of the table, "What is that going is your blog too?"
So just know, I'm catching crap for you being able to know what I'm doing. I catch a little bit of crap for being American, not as much as I thought, but still some.

For the time being I'm still detailing cars, however I am working at the church tomorrow for like a trial run and as long as I'm not an idiot I should get the job. So keep your fingers crossed. Outside of the city and the beach I haven't gotten to see that much cool stuff. That whole money thing is kinda working against me at this point. But hey, I've been here a month, I have a job, friends, my account is in the black and I'm not starving.... ok well maybe a little but it's because of not knowing how to cook, not being broke. Anywho... off to church, more to come later

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